Back pain, neck doesn't move, knee hurts, hands go numb, headache, dizziness, hip doesn't move? Naprapath treats the aforementioned and many other ailments of the musculoskeletal system. Naprapath examines carefully the cause of the pain, and chooses treatment methods and home exercises according to the problem.
If you need a firm healing massage with an individual approach to treat pain, discomfort or a symptom, you can also choose a therapeutic massage from the services.
Start a pain-free life today!
What is naprapathy?
A naprapath specializes in research, prevention and treatment of ailments of the musculoskeletal system. Naprapathy is based on the medical understanding of health and illness and evidence-based medicine. In Finland, the education is organized by the Southeast Finland University of Applied Sciences (XAMK) in Kotka; the education lasts four years and consists of 240 ECTS credits.
What kind of ailments can a naprapath help with?
A naprapath treats acute and chronic ailments of the entire musculoskeletal system. Different pains and symptoms of the spine are the specialty of a naprapath. An example of this is sciatic pain and disc problems. A naprapath can also help, e.g. in knee pain, upper limb symptoms, tension headaches, and shoulder problems.
Naprapathy treatments
An important part of the naprapath's work is a thorough examination and diagnosis of the patient. This way the best possible form of treatment and approach can be chosen. The forms of treatment include joint manipulation, joint mobilization, nerve tissue mobilization, various muscle stretching techniques, trigger point treatment and soft tissue treatments. An important part of the treatment is active exercise therapy. In addition, the treatment may include e.g. taping, heat treatment, guidance and ergonomic advice.
Services and price list
Naprapathy 60 min — €66
Naprapathy 75 min — €75
Therapeutic massage 30 min — €35
Therapeutic massage 45 min — €46
Therapeutic massage 60 min — €56
Therapeutic massage 75 min — €65
Therapeutic massage 90 min — €75
Epicrisis — 20€
Payment methods: Credit card (also including Google Pay, Apple Pay), invoice, gift card, Smartum (massage), Epassi (massage), Eazybreak (massage), Edenred (massage)
Book an appointment
Appointments via Timma in
Lahti: Aleksanterinkatu 1 (street level, inner yard), 15110 Lahti
Hollola: Keskikankaantie 8 (Alusta O&P premises), 15860 Hollola
+358 44 982 7538